Inorganic Chemistry Article
Inorganic chemistry is related to other areas like materials sciences mineralogy thermodynamics physical chemistry spectroscopy earth sciences and crystallography. The article was first published on 02 Nov 2015. Inorganic Chemistry Chart Chemistry Quick Reference Guide Ebook Rental Chemistry Help Chemistry Classroom Chemistry Education Lars Öhrström 20 March 2012. Inorganic chemistry article . Top 50 Articles of 2016. Inorganic chemistry historically meant the chemistry of non-living things. Inorganic chemistry is fundamental to many practical technologies. Launched in January 1998 Inorganic Chemistry Communications is an international journal dedicated to the rapid publication of short communications in the major areas of inorganic organometallic and supramolecular chemistry. Inorganic Chemistry This section publishes articles in all areas of inorganic chemistry including bioinorganic chemistry main group inorganic chemistry transition metal chemistry physical inorganic c...